How to be of service to Alateen — Al-Anon San Diego

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Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS)


Do you want to become an AMIAS?

Every Alateen group needs active, adult members of Al-Anon to serve as Alateen Group Sponsors. An Alateen Group Sponsor has a dual role: to provide safety in the meeting and to help the Alateens keep the meeting focused on the Al-Anon/Alateen program of recovery, sharing knowledge of our Twelve Steps and Alateen Traditions. For the safety of the teens and Sponsors, Alateen groups cannot meet without certified Sponsors present.

To serve as an Alateen group sponsor, substitute group sponsor, transportation sponsor or conference sponsor in Southern California, you must be a certified AMIAS (Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service). There are specific requirements for someone to become an AMIAS and there is a process that must be completed.

Before you start the process, it is suggested that you download and read the Alateen Service e-Manual (PDF).  (Be sure to enter your group name & AFG.) This e-manual contains valuable information about all aspects of Alateen service, from starting a group to Alateen safety. It’s required reading before you attend your first AMIAS training workshop.

If you are interested in becoming an AMIAS, contact your District Rep to get more information or visit the links below.