Office Report


Monday and Friday: Closed

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 10am-4pm

First Saturday of the Month: 10am-1pm

Saturday: By Appointment Only – please email [email protected]


(619)296-2666 (24/7)


[email protected]

Please always call before coming to the office to confirm it is open. Thank you!


Your AIS Office can only function with the help of our wonderful volunteers. So, each month, we highlight one amazing volunteer by having them answer three questions. Thank you for your service, Mary N!

Mary N. is a longtime member who decided to volunteer after she retired. You can say "hi" to her on many Wednesday mornings or join her for a couple of hours during bookstore inventory.

1) What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

Volunteering in the office and elsewhere for AIS is a way for me to give back to what made me who I am. My volunteer service in the community and beyond is varied, but no other volunteer service pays back the program that made me who I am by keeping me grounded throughout my adult life and allowing many dreams to come true by partnering with a higher power.

2) What is your favorite piece of conference-approved literature?

That is like asking who your favorite child, niece, nephew, or sponsee is! Parts of various pieces of CAL that are my "go-to's" --

• (20 Questions) Did You Grow Up with a Problem Drinker? S-25, taken from Survival to Recovery B-21, outlines characteristics that show I am not a freak, as does the second half of Understanding Ourselves & Alcoholism, P-48 (also included in the Newcomer packet).

• All of the CAL books and workbooks published after 1995 have questions at the end of chapters, which I have gone through with my sponsor and use as the foundation of our regular meetings. Because we have answered all of the questions in previous books, we are working now on Traditions in Courage to Be Me, Living with Alcoholism, B-23, an Alateen book. With a sponsee, I will also move over to the Concepts questions in the new booklet, Healing Within Our Alcoholic Relationships, B-95.

• I am loving going through the new daily reader because we aren't yet through its first year: A Little Time for Myself, B-34. It is a surprise daily and a joy on most days! And it has a question for each day, a new feature for a reader!

3) What experience, strength, and hope would you share with a newcomer?

It depends. I would listen to where they are at first. It is so important to share at some point that it has been so soothing and healing to learn in this program that I am not alone nor unique but that I can grieve losses from this family disease at my own way and pace. Life is manageable, living in the program one day at a time.