The Alateen Chair position is still vacant.
If you are interested, please send an email to our Historian & Nominations Chair at: [email protected].
The Alateen Chair position is still vacant.
If you are interested, please send an email to our Historian & Nominations Chair at: [email protected].
Did you know that our home page is one of the top 3 most frequently visit pages on our website? For this reason, we made a few changes to make it more useful and relevant.
We replaced the banner image with a short video clip that visually describes what we do. This video clip, along with the title, is designed to encourage first time visitors to learn more about us.
The home page also includes the most recent posts from the Online Intercom. This gives newcomers and active members alike the latest news and information from in the office and around the county.
The home page works well on both computer screens as well as mobile devices. For smartphone-sized screens, the video banner switches to a static image to conserve data usage.
Please share your opinion on the brief survey form below. Thank you!
And its 2023 … do you believe it? Time does go by so quickly for me. It’s been 3 years as the area District Rep and time for me to look for other service activities to help keep Al-Anon alive and well.
We will be having a meeting in January 9th at 6:30 pm on Zoom Meeting ID 822 4085 1324 Password 75 if you would like to join in. We will be electing a new DR … if someone steps up of course! Do you want to learn about yourself?
I said this last month but find it so important I’m going to say it again. As my term of 3 years as District Rep comes to an end, I do want to share that indeed I learned A LOT about myself. Patience, kindness to others, listening with a better ear were all experience as DR that helped me become a better person in all areas of my life. One of my first experiences as a GR was an event we were putting on. I learned very quickly that everyone has an opinion of how to do something and lo and behold while mine was a good one, so were the others … what a lesson that applies today to all areas of my life. Without any service to Al-Anon I might be stuck still thinking my idea(s) were the best … it just isn’t so!
One of my favorite Al-Anon service activities is Public Outreach. Lynne N. our Public Outreach Coordinator for the District will be looking for individuals to assist her now that the pandemic has us able to do more. Want to get involved with that? You don’t have to be a GR and it is, for me, one of the most important service positions. Get the word out about Al-Anon is critical as it is so surprising how many folks still don’t know about what Al-Anon has to offer families and friends of Alcoholics.
Remember that service in Al-Anon is critical so we will be there for Newcomers, something we all were at a point in our lives and is critical to our continuance. Newcomers rely on our sharing the word and being sure meetings are there for them, If you can please do service to your group, your District or the area of Southern California. Whatever it is you will learn so much about YOURSELF and the workings of Al-Anon. Yes, each group is autonomous, but there are many folks, mostly volunteers, who keep the availability of meetings and any problems or issues with meetings, moving forward.
AND, most essentially there are folks that make sure we can be found for the many Newcomers who need the program. So do what you can, setup chairs at a meeting, be the group secretary or anything else your meeting might need. For the District we have Group Representatives (GRs) who provide information back to the meetings as they attend District Meetings and Area Assemblies. You will, I promise, learn so much. Anything you do will be a saving grace for the Newcomers.
AND don’t forget to check the Intercom as well as the website for upcoming events. There is always things going on with the San Diego Area which can benefit you. Sharing, learning and caring makes our lives better and for me, gives me serenity which is most important to me. Don’t forget about our Saturday Night Speaker Meeting! Always good speakers and fellowship at the meeting place in La Mesa.
Did you know the WSO has a new audio page particularly for newcomers, but is also good for anyone to hear? With that said, our District is looking to put together a Newcomers meeting to share with them “How Al-Anon works.” Good info for them now is at:
Then, of course, here in San Diego we are lucky to have an active AIS Office in Mission Valley. They are always in need of volunteers … check it out, you might like it! You’ll make new friends and be helpful to all who have a need to call in, walk in or whatever it is they need assistance with. Not all Districts have an AIS Office, so we are a few of the lucky ones.
As an Al-Anon member and as a District Rep, I continue to experience life to its fullest, with all the ups and downs. My life is still a bit topsy turvy, but I work hard to maintain my serenity with all the tools of the program. How lucky are we to have a program that offers us so so much on how to have experiences in life and a way to keep us serene! I am grateful!
District 75 is comprised of the City of San Diego meetings. There are currently 55 meetings 26 registered Group Reps and 15 or so active Group Reps. Is your meeting getting info about all the happenings with our District County and Area? If not please consider at least attending a meeting, or talking with me, or even getting on my mailing list for info so you can share it with your group. There is so much happening within the Al-Anon program, and it can benefit all to learn more. If you have questions, please contact me.
Alateen is moving forward again in San Diego County! We now have a connection to the San Diego School District, Grossmont School District as well as Juvenile Hall. Do you know someone that can benefit from the Alateen program? There are numerous AMIAS’ ready and willing to support the Alateen program. Slow, but sure, Alateen is getting more and more teen members. Please let the teens in your life know there are meetings now both online and in person. It is such a benefit to them to learn and understand how it can ensure they learn the importance of our program. So many already have benefited in the past, so let’s get it going again so others can too.
I’ve mention this before, but I am finding it might benefit folks to repeat this. Have you been going to the same meeting only, not experiencing other meetings? With all the in-person, hybrid and zoom meetings online I strongly suggest you experience some other meetings. It is a chance to see others engage in their program. It is a worthwhile to see other people and experience other meetings … take a little time for yourself and go to the San Diego County website and check out other meetings you can attend. OR, better yet, go to the WSO website so you can even find a zoom meeting in other locales around the world.
Look for information on our AIS (local office), Area and WSO websites, and until we get a new District Rep, I will continue to be emailing information to your group’s CMA, as well as your Group Rep (GR) as I receive updates on meetings being face-to-face or hybrid as well as happenings and events in our community. If your group does not get notices mentioned at your meetings, please inform me.
As many groups are starting to meet in person or as hybrid meetings, be sure to Report any changes to your meeting at … if you need to know your group number let me know! It is critical we keep our records straight so newcomers can find us. More on electronic meetings and hybrid meetings will forthcoming soon. Have some questions or ideas, please let me know.
One more time, I remind you to check out the book “When I Got Busy, I Got Better.” It’s all about getting active in Service to Al-Anon and how it will affect your personal program. Trust me, it’s true! You will be grateful for all you learn about yourself and the Al-Anon program.
I know my experience, strength and hope will continue to grow and I wish the same for you. Living One Day At A Time, I am super grateful for the lessons I learn to have serenity! I know it wouldn’t be like this if I didn’t have the Al-Anon program and the many friends I have made along the way. I practice all I can, so my serenity is not disturbed too much. Doing service for Al-Anon definitely helps me! Is my life sometimes chaotic? Sure … but without all of you I would be a total mess … so thank you all!
Grateful for Al-Anon and to be of service,
Elaine A. Phone: 619 254 3432 Email: [email protected]
There will NOT be a District meeting in December. Our next scheduled District Meeting was scheduled for January21st but that is the same day as the SCWS Sharing of Service Workshop which will be on Zoom. I want to encourage you and your group members to take advantage of this great opportunity since I know one of the challenges since Covid hit has been getting members involved with service. The workshop topic is “Building Relationships through Service”, and it is scheduled from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with a break for lunch midday. Please consider attending this free Zoom event. Click here for the meeting details and Zoom Meeting IDs and Passcodes.
I have rescheduled the January District meeting for January 28th. It will be a Zoom Meeting unless GRs are notified of a change. Meeting ID is 836 1416 1190 and the Passcode is 742642. The major agenda item will be starting the process to elect a new District Representative. We will also discuss moving back to the 4th Saturday of the month since the third Saturday is when the Assemblies and the Area World Service Committee meetings are scheduled. We will also be planning for District sponsored events for 2023. My term technically ends at the end of this year, but I will facilitate the transition as has been done in the past. I am hopeful that there is someone ready to step up to serve soon since my health has hampered my ability to effectively serve this past year. If you want to know more about the DR position you can read about the role and responsibilities of the DR in Guideline G-37 which is available to download from the Guidelines page on the WSO website.
Proposed District 72 Meeting Schedule for Spring 2023
January 28 – Zoom (see information above)
February 25 – Atonement Lutheran Church, Spring Valley
March 25 – Atonement Lutheran Church, Spring Valley
April 29 – Atonement Lutheran Church, Spring Valley
May – Assembly – No District Meeting
June 24 – Atonement Lutheran Church, Spring Valley
Meetings at 10:00 am.
Dear Friends,
This will be my last District 69 Report! It has been an honor and a ride full of growing experiences! Time just flew!
As you know Tradition 5 has always been the Tradition that I base my service on. This has kept me focused on the purpose of my services!
Groups in District 69 have a new District Representative, Annah H., new Alternate District Representative, Denise, and new treasurer, Victoria R. Thank you for accepting the nomination and be willing to serve!
Positions still open: Secretary, District Alateen Liaison and AIS Liaison. These positions are easy and fun!
Spotlight on the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts (Back to Basics is hosting January 6th, 13th and 20th – zoom 878648776 pw 031435) so you can experience a spiritual awakening beyond your understanding. By the way the Spotlight on the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts has a new Committee Chair, Brian!
Once you have attended the Spotlight on the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts remember to attend the bimonthly Al-Anon/Bilingual Writing Workshop Committee (odd month -last Sunday of the month-January 28th zoom 395 556 4737 pw 755000)
We continue to encourage all GR-Group Representative or a CMA-Current Mailing Address (If Group has no GR only CMA) that is already paying for insurance or needs insurance, to please REQUEST FOR INSURANCE FORM NOW!
The GRs voted to send to AIS-San Diego $2,500.00. We want to make sure they
have the resources to support District 69 and others.
District 69 is buying a laptop for the Treasurer position and updating the QuickBooks subscription.
Our DAL has done an awesome job. Two new Alateen meetings were opened in our District 69. Below is a more informative list from our DAL:
* District69 has two new Alateen meetings up and running. One new high school meeting, and one new public meeting available. See San Diego AIS website for details.
* Alateen meetings continue to need our greater Al-Anon parent program support. Please encourage your children and others who are affected by this disease to attend local in-person Alateen meetings.
*Alateen sponsor substitutes are always in demand. If you are currently a certified AMIAS(Al-Anon member in Alateen Service), please contact Ron P. at 619-322-8558, to register as a substitute.
* Alateen sponsors are encouraged to keep their meeting status updated with the Area and local AIS office.
* District69 will need a new Alateen liaison (DAL), to cover the rotation position of term coming up this year. Participation is a few hours each month, and willing participants will be enabled firsthand training and assistance to execute duties. This is a three-year commitment. Please submit a nomination or request to Ron P. 619 322-8558.
* District69 has one of the higher concentrations of Alateen sponsors in Southern California. Experience the next level of your personal recovery by volunteering in Alateen service! Our children are our future! Visit the Southern California website for upcoming certifications to become in AMIAS!
APPRECIATION: Our gratitude to all our service arms: AIS-San Diego, SCWS and WSO! Without your support District 69 could not assist the Groups!
Love in Service,
Connie G-K
Each Alateen group has but one purpose: To help other teenagers of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the 12 Steps of AA ourselves ... (Tradition 5).
Mondays 6:30pm – Strictly Alateen – North Coast Church – 2405 N Santa Fe Ave, Vista 92084
Wednesdays 6pm – Wednesday Night Alateen UTC – ONLINE ONLY
Wednesdays 6:45pm – New Beginnings Alateen – ONLINE ONLY
Thursdays 6pm -Keep Coming Back -Seacoast Community Church, Room A-7, 1049 Regal Road, Encinitas 92024
Thursday 6:30pm – I’m Ok, I Belong, I am not Alone – ONLINE ONLY
Sunday 7pm – Free to Be Me Alateen – Penasquitos Lutheran Church, 14484 Penasquitos Drive, San Diego 92129
A Taskforce Committee to explore the potential of establishing a long term, organized, and sustainable support system for Alateen meetings in middle and/or high school venues in the greater San Diego area and Southern California. Get involved! Give your Kids a choice! School Professional contacts needed: Counselors, Therapists, Staff and Administration, County School Board Members.
Monday, December 26, 2022: 7:00pm-8:00pm. District 75. Search for Peace. The regular meeting will be cancelled on Monday, December 26, 2022, ONLY! Our calendar is wide open for 2023 and needs your support. We feature a speaker each 2nd Monday of the month. We’d love to have you join us in recovery. Mission Hills Church 2930 Broadway, unit# 43, San Diego, CA 92120 in the Meeting room easily accessed from the upper parking lot.
Thursday December 29, 2022: 12:00-1:00pm. District 69. San Marcos Thursday Noon AFG. Guest speaker. Come close out the year with Cathy S. as she shares the experience, strength, and hope found on her path of recovery in Al-Anon. St. Mark’s Church 1147 Discovery Street, San Marcos, CA 92078.
Sunday January 1, 2023: 7:00pm-8:15pm. District 69. Just for Today meeting is going back to 100% in-person. Penasquitos Lutheran Church 14484 Penasquitos Dr. San Diego 92129. Meeting is upstairs in the classromm building.
Sunday January 1, 2023: 12:00pm-1:00pm. District 69. San Marcos Noon AFG. Spotlight 2022 of the Three Legacies Steps, Traditions & Concepts. December 1st- 12th Step, December 8th- 12 Tradition, December 15th- 12th Concept. St. Mark’s Catholic Church 1147 Discovery, San Marcos, CA 92078.
Friday January 6, 2023: 10:00am-11:30am. District 69. Back to Basics AFG. January 2023, the Spotlight on the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts will be hosted by Zoom. January 6th- 1st Step, January 13th- 1st Tradition, January 20th- 1st Concept.
Zoom ID: 878 648 776 Password: 031435
Saturday January 7, 2023: 6:30pm-8:00pm. District 69. San Diego AFG Saturday Night Speaker Meeting. We will have a 10-minute speaker Will H. (San Carlos Serenity) and a 45-minute speaker Bear (Ventura) Potluck- Finger foods- Bring a snack to share. We are excited that we are now back to in-person only!
La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center 8450 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, Ca 91941.
Monday January 9, 2023: 7:00pm-8:00pm. District 75. Search for Peace. Please join us for our Search for peace 2nd Monday of the month January speaker meeting featuring Steve W. Mission Hills Church 4880 Zion Ave, San Diego, CA 92120. Easily accessed from the upper parking lot.
Tuesday January 10, 2023: 6:00pm-6:30pm, 6:30pm-7:30pm. District 75. Freed to be me women’s AFG meeting returns in person meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. The newcomer meeting is 6:00pm-6:30pm. Women’s meeting begins 6:30pm-7:30pm. Normal Heights Community Church 4650 Mansfield St. San Diego, CA 92116. Young children room ground floor.
Wednesday January 18, 2023: 7:00pm-8:00pm. Welcome and help Celebrate the Recovering Adult Children Wednesday Night AFG’s 37th Anniversary. Al-Anon Speaker- Connie S.
Zoom ID: 820 8843 9289 Password: hope4today
Thursday January 26, 2023: 12:00pm-1:00pm. District 69. San Marcos Thursday Noon AFG 8th Anniversary with guest speaker Julie M. and an opportunity drawing for a gift basket. St. Mark’s Church 1147 Discovery street, San Marcos, California 92078.
Sunday January 29, 2023: 4:00pm-5:30pm. District 69. 5th Bilingual (English / Spanish) Al-Anon Writing Workshop.5th Taller Bilingue (Ingles / Espanol) de Al-Anon. Write for personal growth, share with a sponsor, or submit to the Forum. Escribe para tu crecimiento personal, comparte con tu padrino / madrina o en El Forum. Either type a document or write by hand: Escribe a mano o en computadora. Submission is voluntary: Compartimiento es voluntario. for publication in Al-Anon literature optional: Para publication en Al-Anon opcional. “Using the tool of writing for spiritual growth and light the Al-Anon World” “Utilizando la herramienta de la escritura para el crecimiento spiritual e ilumimar elm undo de Al-Anon”
Zoom ID: 395 556 4737 Password: 755000
Service Board
2nd Saturday of every month at 9:00am
Saturday, January 14, 2023, at 9:00am
2nd Saturday of every odd numbered month at 10:30am
Saturday, January 14, 2022, at 10:30am
Zoom ID: 752 699 5666 Password: EJH6dK
District 69
2nd Tuesday of every odd numbered month at 7:00pm
Tuesday, January 10, 2022, at 7:00pm
District 72
4th Saturday of every even numbered month at 10:00am
Saturday, December 24, 2022, at 10:00am
Location: Atonement Lutheran Church, 10245 Loma Rancho Drive, Spring Valley.
Note: Depending on the facility requirements, this meeting may be Electronic.
District 75
2nd Monday of every odd numbered month at 6:30pm
Monday, January 9, 2022, at 6:30pm
Find other events on our calendar.
Meetings Needing Support & Updates
Stepping Up in AFG Group are making a change to our meeting on Monday at 5:30pm. We will be meeting in person and Via zoom (Hybrid Meeting): The location is Poway Alano Club Suite A, 13939 Poway Rd, Poway, CA 92064. Behind the Farmers Building on the ground floor. We will be following all State guidelines including wearing masks and social distancing.
Zoom ID: 273 857 429 Password: 093459
The Serenity on Sunday in person meeting needs support. On Sunday at 4:00pm. Mission San Luis Rey Pablo Tac Hall. 4198 Mission Ave Oceanside CA 92057. Turn into Mission property and go to the left. Follow the road to the west end of the property. Pablo Tac Hall is a little white building. Parking is in front of retreat center.
AFG Recovering Adult Child. Wednesday at 7:00pm. District 72. St John Of The Cross Catholic School 8086 Broadway Lemon Grove, CA 91945. Meeting Temporarily on Zoom.
Zoom ID: 820 8843 9289 Password: hope4today
Sunday Serenity Social. District 69. This meeting will be on summer hiatus from Sunday June 12, 2022, through September 4, 2022. We will resume regular meetings starting Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 9:00am. Spring Creek Park, Melrose Street, Oceanside, CA 92057.
Monday Night Escondido Oasis Meeting 6:00pm. We will be meeting back in person. Handicap access. This facility is not available on Holidays that fall on a Monday. Family, Friends, and Observers welcome. Spoken: English. Contact name: Jeanne S. 760-580-9280, Debbie L: 760-703-1872. We normally meet at Neighborhood Health care facility 425 North Date Street Escondido CA 92025.
Keep it Simple Newcomers Meeting AFG. Sunday 6:00pm. Hope United Methodist Church 16550 Bernardo Heights Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92128. Meeting in person. Room J5, southwest corner of the property.
Dear San Diego Members,
Thank You for letting me serve as the Vice-Chair of the San Diego AIS Board. My service ends this year. A large part of the Vice-Chair’s duty is to fund-raise through the Birthday event and the Non-event Fundraiser. The recap from your generosity follows:
Birthday Event Fundraiser 2022: $1322.00 (Along with tremendous literature sales)
Non-Event Fundraiser 2022: $1966.00
For a total of $3288 as of November 30, 2022
Many thanks to you. And blessings to you entering the New year.
In Service
Laura B.
New address for meeting:
San Carlos Serenity AFG
5651 Water Street
La Mesa, CA 91942
The meeting has gone live and hybrid for now.
Our meeting also has Babysitting and is wheelchair accessible, restrooms and parking availability. Zoom ID: 859 2298 0426 Password: SCSAFG
Clairemont Clearview AFG is requesting support. We meet Monday mornings at 10:30am via Zoom. This is a discussion meeting. The first Monday of the month is the tradition of the month. The second meeting of the month is the step of the month. This was one of the meetings at The Serenity Shop. We have not transitioned to in-person meetings. Thank you for your support. Zoom ID: 608 257 4304 Password: Unity 1030
The Tuesday Del Mar Early Birds will return to in-person meetings. District 69. 8:00am-9:00am. St James Catholic Church 625 So. Nardo, Solano Beach, CA 92075. The meeting is in the Fireplace room in the Parish Hall.
AFG Literature Study Paths to Recovery AFG. District 69. Paths to Recovery AFG Literature Study is requesting support. This AFG meets every Tuesday at 4:00pm via Zoom. We are currently reading. “Opening our Hearts, transforming our losses” Thank You for your support. Zoom ID: 405 294 2758 Password: 1430102
Fun, Fellowship & Service Opportunities!! – The San Diego AFG Speakers Meeting, which meets the first Saturday of each month, 6:30-8:00PM, will be rotating service positions at the end of 2022. The meeting location is at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd., 91942. The open positions will are: Speaker Coordinator, Secretary, and Hospitality coordinator. If you are interested in learning more about these positions, contact Vickie I. @ (cell) 619-885-6888. All Al-Anon members are welcome!
“Service in Al-Anon allows us to stretch ourselves and to practice the Al-Anon principles while we connect with others with whom we can be ourselves”, How Al-Anon works…, page 102. Please read this announcement at your meetings.
Freedom from Despair A.F.G meets on a New day beginning in January 2023. We will meet on Tuesday now (Instead of Wednesday) but the time and place will remain the same. Our group needs support! Come join our meeting for serenity and recovery. We start at 4:00pm-5:00pm. St. Rose of Lima-St Benedict Bldg 278 Alvarado St. Chula Vista 91910. Bottom floor conference room off the parking lot. Handicap Access
To all Group Secretaries:
If your group does not have an ISR, please read this message at your Meeting or
highlight the topics for your members.
Dear Members of Al-Anon/Alateen,
I hope you are well and preparing (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially, and socially – see Paths to Recovery Tradition 7 for more information) for the Holidays.
Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic.
But that’s not all, Al-Anon gives us a new way of living in serenity, joy and love regardless of the circumstances. I would have never imagined that being a possibility, as before everything needed to be perfect in my life, everyone needed to act accordingly to my wishes for me to be OK. Therefore, I was never OK!
But thanks to the Steps, Traditions and Concepts that my sponsor introduced me to, using Paths to Recovery, the miracle happened! I no longer depend on circumstances for me to be OK. I depend on the God of my understanding found in Steps 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 & 12! I still have growth spurts, but I deal with them using the principles found in the 12/12/12!
That’s why I’m inviting you to attend Spotlight on the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts (please see Events for more information) so you can experience a spiritual awakening beyond your understanding. (By the way the Spotlight on the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts has a new Committee Chair!) Once you have attended the Spotlight on the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts remember to attend the Al-Anon/Bilingual Writing Workshop Committee as this will help you have the most amazing experience in journaling your realization in working the principles. Please see Events for more information!
As follows is District 69 Report:
Groups in District 69 have new District Representative, Annah H., new Alternate District Representative, Dennise, and new treasurer, Victoria R. Thank you for accepting the nomination!
The secretary position and the District Alateen Liaison (DAL) still open. We encourage anyone that loves writing to volunteer for the secretary position. It is easy and exciting as you see the reports of the Trusted Servants before anyone else! And if you love working with youth then come and be the DAL!
District 69 GRs were busy learning about the Electronic Groups To accept them or not in our Area, we’ll find out next report!
We continue to encourage all GR-Group Representative or a CMA-Current Mailing Address (If Group has no GR only CMA) that is already paying for insurance or needs insurance, to please REQUEST FOR INSURANCE FORM NOW!
For more information read instructions below from the SCWS Insurance Interim Coordinator:
“Please go to the REQUEST FOR INSURANCE FORM on the SCWS website “Insurance” page. (You can also find the form under Area Information, then click Insurance on the dropdown menu.) This is where you will fill in the form to request the Certificate. You will need your Group’s WSO identification number; the instructions for finding it are on the Insurance page.
If your Group’s physical location has changed and does not match the information on your original registration, or if you are registering a new GR or Current Mailing Address (CMA), you must complete an Al-Anon Group Records/Group Registration Change Form before your Group can obtain a Certificate. Go to Al-Anon Group Registration / Records Change Form to make those changes.
PLEASE note renewal Certificates will be automatically sent to the facility in October 2022 and you will not have to do anything further. PLEASE be patient as we work out the bumps in the new process
for obtaining a Certificate of Insurance under this new and eagerly anticipated Area insurance policy.
Any questions or comments can be sent to: [email protected].”
We continue to encourage all Group Representative (GR), to please register and/or update your Group information at: ( ) and join the fun!
Appreciation: We are beyond blessed that AIS San Diego filled all positions! Thank you incoming and outgoing Trusted Servants!
CAL LITERATURE: We continue to impress all GRs the importance of reading straight from Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature and to buy them from
New Alateen Meeting (Next to an Al-Anon Meeting): North Coast Church on N. Santa Fe Rd., Vista every Monday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. An Al-Anon meeting meets at the same time in the Fifth-grade classroom!
A couple of other important notices:
* District69 has two new Alateen meetings up and running. One new high school meeting, and one new public meeting available. See San Diego AIS website for details.
* Alateen meetings continue to need our greater Al-Anon parent program support. Please encourage your children and others who are affected by this disease to attend local in-person Alateen meetings.
*Alateen sponsor substitutes are always in demand. If you are currently a certified AMIAS(Al-Anon member in Alateen Service), please contact Ron P. at 619-322-8558, to register as a substitute.
* Alateen sponsors are encouraged to keep their meeting status updated with the Area and local AIS office.
* District69 will need a new Alateen liaison (DAL), to cover the rotation position of term coming up this year. Participation is a few hours each month, and willing participants will be enabled firsthand training and assistance to execute duties. This is a three-year commitment. Please submit a nomination or request to Ron P. 619 322-8558.
* District69 has one of the higher concentrations of Alateen sponsors in Southern California. Experience the next level of your personal recovery by volunteering in Alateen service! Our children are our future! Visit the Southern California website for upcoming certifications to become in AMIAS!
Respectfully submitted, Ron P., D69 DAL
NOVEMBER 19 ASSEMBLY: November’s Assembly is in a few days more information next month!
ELECTIONS: We’ll have new Trusted Servants next month’s report!
ELECTRONIC MEETINGS: The following link to the Electronic Meeting Presentation was sent to all District 69 GRs for their review and come prepare with questions and comments to the November Assembly Next month will find the results!
The Interim Insurance Coordinator continues to send emails encouraging all Groups that are currently paying for insurance or need insurance to apply for an Insurance Certificate at REQUEST FOR INSURANCE FORM Any questions or comments can be sent to: [email protected].
All GRs and Al-Anon members can read the Delegate Report here:
Want to inform Professionals about Al-Anon go here:
If you know an Alateen, please send them to
Al-Anon podcasts are here, please check them out:
The following AlAnon and Alateen poster designs have been developed specifically for local public outreach. The poster templates can be downloaded and customized with local contact information. They are available in different designs and orientations (vertical or horizontal) that best fit your project. Other sizes and formats are available, please email [email protected] with your desired format.
THE FORUM NEEDS OUR HELP! They need your experience of growth through the Steps, Traditions and/or Concepts! Come to the Al-Anon Workshop (January 29th 2023) to get help on how to submit your growth! If you want to help but are unsure on how to go about it come (See below under Events).
Holidays are here! Give the gift of recovery through the Forum or
Our members continue to buy the service manual and other pertinent literature at to help with readings during their meeting.
EVENTS: You don’t want to miss!
*District 69 meeting: 2nd Tuesday (Odd month) Opens at 6:30 pm for GR Support- Meeting starts at 7pm on Zoom link: 395-5 Password: 755000
*Spotlight on the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts:
Dear Al-Anon Groups,
Is your Group ready to Spotlight on the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts for one month out of 2023?
Please read below and come to the December 2022 in meeting to have a new spiritual experience at
San Marcos Noon AFG 12pm
1147 Discovery
San Marcos, Ca
December 1st 12th Step
December 8th 12th Tradition
December 15th. 12th Concept
And in January 2023 the Spotlight on the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts will be hosted by Zoom at
Back to Basic AFG 10am-11:30am
Zoom 878 648 776 PW 031435
January 6th. 1st Step
January 13th 1st Tradition
January 20th 1st Concept
Groups use Paths to Recovery as the text resource- just for consistency within the initiative.
The first week will spotlight the Step of the month.
The second week will spotlight the Tradition of the month.
The third week will spotlight the Concept of the month And, then the Group’s hosting responsibility is complete.
This means that the Group adapts its weekly format— for just three weeks— to accommodate the month the Group chooses. The district will send an easy temporary format/script to follow.
We are doing this for several reasons
To spotlight the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts throughout the year
To offer a new possibility of attending a different meeting
To invoke participation and collaboration among our groups.
To share your experience, strength, and hope with others outside of your home group. The intent is to have members who would like to experience the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts be able to attend a meeting each month with this focus, and to encourage all of us to try something new, whether it be physically or virtually. If your Group would like to host one or more months for 2023, feel free to email with the month or months of your Group’s choice at [email protected].
Light & love,
Connie G-K
District Representative
Al-Anon Family Groups, District 69
San Diego North County
Cell (760) 277-3405
"12 Steps love oneself...12 Traditions love others...12 Concepts love the world.” Paths to Recovery
Want News from the WSO?—Subscribe to “In The Loop” & Be Informed! 72 (East & South County
October is the beginning of a newer time of the year. Just like we can start our days over anytime, seasons create a different atmosphere for us to learn day by day. I do want to remind everyone again, my term will be expiring in December 2022. SO, if you have any desire to learn more about the workings of Al-Anon especially in our Area, please consider call me so you can learn more about what being a District Rep entails. I’ll share my experience as DR. There is also a brochure I can send you on the responsibilities too. You will learn so much about Al-Anon as well as yourself thru service, so please consider it.
AND, don’t forget to check the Intercom as well as the website for upcoming events. By the way, this month there will be no in-person Saturday Speaker Meeting … I’ll be sending out the flier to all my contacts soon … if you want me just call or email me.
AND, of course if you are a current GR too, you can learn more about stepping up to giving more service for Al-Anon that I’ll be sharing at our meeting. It is how I grow and grow, learn and give back for what we have gained. Service in Al-Anon is critical so we will be there for Newcomers, something we all were at a point in our lives and is critical to our continuance.
Newcomers rely on our sharing the word and being sure meetings are there for them, If you can please do service to your group, your district or the area of Southern California. Whatever it is you will learn so much about YOURSELF and the workings of Al-Anon. Yes each group is autonomous, but there are many folks, mostly volunteers, who keep the availability of meetings and any problems or issues with meetings, moving forward.
AND, most essentially there are folks that make sure we can be found for the many Newcomers who need the program. So do what you can, setup chairs at a meeting, be the group secretary or anything else your meeting might need. For the District we have Group Representatives (GRs) who provide information back to the meetings as they attend District Meetings and Area Assemblies. You will, I promise, learn so much. Anything you do will be a saving grace for the Newcomers.
Did you know the WSO has a new audio page particularly for newcomers, but is also good for anyone to hear? With that said, our District is looking to put together a Newcomers meeting to share with them “How Al-Anon works.” Good info for them now is at:
Then, of course, here in San Diego we are lucky to have an active AIS Office in Mission Valley. They are always in need of volunteers … check it out, you might like it! You’ll make new friends and be helpful to all who have a need to call in, walk in or whatever it is they need assistance with. Not all Districts have an AIS Office, so we are a few of the lucky ones.
As an Al-Anon member and as a District Rep, I continue to experience life to its fullest, with all the ups and downs. My life is still a bit topsy turvy, but I work hard to maintain my serenity with all the tools of the program. How lucky are we to have a program that offers us so so much on how to have experiences in life and a way to keep us serene! I am grateful!
District 75 is comprised of the City of San Diego meetings. There are currently 55 meetings 26 registered Group Reps and 15 or so active Group Reps. Is your meeting getting info about all the happenings with our District County and Area? If not please consider at least attending a meeting, or talking with me, or even getting on my mailing list for info so you can share it with your group. There is so much happening within the Al-Anon program and it can benefit all to learn more. If you have questions, please contact me.
I’m still looking for someone that has some connections to the San Diego Police Department to be able to get permission to place business cards about Al-Anon in the precincts. Do you know someone that can help? Please let me know so we can get this worthwhile project going.
Alateen is moving forward again in San Diego County! We now have a connection to the San Diego School District, Grossmont School District as well as Juvenile Hall. Do you know someone that can benefit from the Alateen program? There are numerous AMIAS’ ready and willing to support the Alateen program. Slow, but sure, Alateen is getting more and more teen members. Please let the teens in your life know there are meetings now both online and in person. It is such a benefit to them to learn and understand how it can ensure they learn the importance of our program. So many already have benefited in the past, so let’s get it going again so others can too.
I’ve mention this before, but I am finding it might benefit folks to repeat this. Have you been going to the same meeting only, not experiencing other meetings? With all the in person, hybrid and zoom meetings online I strongly suggest you experience some other meetings. It is a chance to see others engage in their program. It is a worthwhile to see other people and experience other meetings … take a little time for yourself and go to the San Diego County website and check out other meetings you can attend. OR, go to the WSO website so you can even find a zoom meeting in other locales.
Look for information on our AIS (local office), Area and WSO websites, as well as I will continue to be emailing information to your group’s CMA, as well as your Group Rep (GR) as I receive updates on meetings being face-to-face or hybrid or happenings and events in our community. If your group does not get notices mentioned at your meetings, please inform me.
As many groups are starting to meet in person or as hybrid meetings, be sure to report any changes to your meeting at … if you need to know your group number let me know! It is critical we keep our records straight so newcomers can find us. More on electronic meetings and hybrid meetings will forthcoming soon. Have some questions or ideas, please let me know.
One more time, I remind you to check out the book “When I Got Busy, I Got Better.” It’s all about getting active in Service to Al-Anon and how it will affect your personal program. Trust me, it’s true! You will be grateful for all you learn about yourself and the Al-Anon program.
I know my experience, strength and hope will continue to grow and I wish the same for you. Living One Day At A Time, I am super grateful for the lessons I learn to have serenity! I know it wouldn’t be like this if I didn’t have the Al-Anon program and the many friends I have made along the way. I practice all I can so my serenity is not disturbed too much. Doing service for Al-Anon definitely helps me! Is my life sometimes chaotic? Sure … but without all of you I would be a total mess … so thank you all!
Our District meeting we anticipate meeting for an in-person get together so we can share, learn a bit more about each other and enjoy. I also want to personally be able to thank all those that assisted me during my 3 year term as District Rep. Let me know if you are interested in attending. Visitors are always welcome! Email or call me to get the info. Hope to see you there!
Grateful for Al-Anon and to be of service,
Elaine A. Phone: 619 254 3432 Email: [email protected]
District News can now be found on our website:
"Each Alateen group has but one purpose: To help other teenagers of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the 12 Steps of AA ourselves ..." (Tradition 5).
- Thursdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm Seacoast Community Church, Room A-7,
- 1050 Regal Rd, Encinitas, CA. This meeting is in its 4th year of running.
- See flyer attached for more information about this Alateen meeting.
Monday 7:00pm -8:30pm
Total Sharing Alateen St. Michael by the Sea Episcopal Church 2775 Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad 92008
A parent must contact the Alateen sponsor for meeting ID and Password. Text Judy B at 760-521-4103
A Taskforce committee to explore the potential of establishing a long term, organized, and sustainable support system for Alateen meetings in middle and/or high school venues in the greater San Diego area and Southern California.
Get involved! Give your Kids a choice! School Professional Contacts Needed:
· Counselors
· Therapists
· Staff and Administration
· County School Board Members
Alateen meeting Sunday nights from 7:00pm-8:15pm. “Free to be me Alateen” Resumed in-person meeting! Concurrent Al-Anon meeting next door. Penasquitos Lutheran Church, 14484 Penasquitos Drive, San Diego CA 92129.
For Teens who care about someone with a problem with Alcohol or Drugs:
North Coast Church
2405 N. Santa Fe Ave.
Vista CA, 92084
2ND Grade Classroom
CMA Cathy Rowan
If Questions
Beginning Monday, October 10, 6:30pm-7:30pm
North Coast Church
2405 North Santa Fe Ave.
Vista CA, 92084
The 2nd grade classroom is behind and to the right of the 5th grade classroom. The room in which Al-Anon meets at the same time.
Service Board
2nd Saturday of every month at 9:00am
Saturday, December 10, 2022, at 9:00am
2nd Saturday of every odd numbered month at 10:30am
Saturday, January 14, 2022, at 10:30am
Zoom ID: 752 699 5666 Password: EJH6dK
District 69
2nd Tuesday of every odd numbered month at 7:00pm
Tuesday, January 10, 2022, at 7:00pm
District 72
4th Saturday of every even numbered month at 10:00am
Saturday, December 24, 2022, at 10:00am
Location: Atonement Lutheran Church, 10245 Loma Rancho Drive, Spring Valley.
Note: Depending on the facility requirements, this meeting may be Electronic.
District 75
2nd Monday of every odd numbered month at 6:30pm
Monday, January 9, 2022, at 6:30pm
Find other events on our Calendar of Events.
January 26, 2023 12pm-1pm – San Marcos Noon AFG – 8th Anniversary Guest Speaker Meeting – St. Mark’s Church, 1147 Discovery Street, San Marcos – Speaker Julia M from Oceanside – Opportunity drawing for a gift basket
January 28, 2023 4pm-5:30pm – 5th Bilingual Al-Anon Writing Workshop / 5o Taller Bilingüe de Al-Anon - Journal about your journey and growth / Escribe tu trayecto y crecimiento - Either type a document, or write by hand / Escribe a mano o en computadora - Submission is voluntary / Compartimiento es voluntario - For publication in Al-Anon literature / Para publicación en Al-Anon – Zoom ID: 395 556 4737 Password: 755000
January 30, 2023 7pm-8:30pm – Carlsbad Monday Night Discussion Group – Speaker Meeting – St. Michael’s By the Sea Church, 2775 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad 92008 – Speaker TBA
February 4, 2023 6:30pm-8pm – San Diego AFG Speaker Meeting – La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8458 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa 91941 – 10-Minute Speaker Deana, San Carlos Serenity, 45-Minute Speaker Alin M, Sunday Night Courage to Change Step Study, Ocean Beach, bring a snack to share!
February 5, 2023 9am-10am - Group Meeting – Sunday Serenity Social Al-Anon Meeting – Meeting meets in Spring Creek Park, Melrose Drive, Oceanside – New rain location – If raining (and no one there), meet at Denny’s, 605 College Blvd, Oceanside - Okay to come late – If questions, call Jeff P 760-707-9399
February 11, 2023 10am-12pm – Southern California World Service Electronic Groups Town Hall Meeting – Open to all An-Anon Members – Questions? Contact [email protected]
English: Zoom ID: 850 4695 4885 Password: 429422
Spanish: Zoom ID: 853 9129 6299 Password: 296244
March 4, 2023 6:30pm-8pm – San Diego AFG Speaker Meeting – La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8458 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa 91941 – 10-Minute Speaker Lisa P, Lost & Found Alanon, 45-Minute Speaker Michelle B & Christina, Tuesday Power Lunch Bunch, Host Group Lost & found Alanon - bring a snack to share!
March 13, 2023 7pm-8pm - Speaker Meeting – Search for Peace Al-Anon Family Group – Speaker: Lindsey A – Mission Trails Church, 4880 Zion Ave, San Diego 92120 – If questions, email Lea P [email protected]
March 15, 2023 11am-12pm - Speaker Meeting - Happy, Joyous and Free – District 72 – Speaker: Anita R – Pathways Community Church, 9626 Carlton Hills Blvd, Cornerstone Room, Santee 92071 – If questions, email Barbara B [email protected]
March 24, 2023 All Weekend – 46th Annual Southern California Al-Anon Family Groups Convention – Multiple speakers and convention breakfast, luncheon, and banquet - Ontario DoubleTree Hotel, 222 N Vineyard Avenue, Ontario 91764 – for more information, visit
Stepping Up in AFG Group are making a change to our meeting on Monday at 5:30pm. We will be meeting in person and Via zoom (Hybrid Meeting): The location is Poway Alano Club Suite A, 13939 Poway Rd, Poway, CA 92064. Behind the Farmers Building on the ground floor. We will be following all State guidelines including wearing masks and social distancing. Zoom ID: 273 857 429 Password: 093459
The Serenity on Sunday in person meeting needs support. On Sunday at 4:00pm. Mission San Luis Rey Pablo Tac Hall. 4198 Mission Ave Oceanside CA 92057. Turn into Mission property and go to the left. Follow the road to the west end of the property. Pablo Tac Hall is a little white building. Parking is in front of retreat center.
AFG Recovering Adult Child. Wednesday at 7:00pm. District 72. St John Of The Cross Catholic School 8086 Broadway Lemon Grove, CA 91945. Meeting Temporarily on Zoom. Zoom ID: 820 8843 9289 Password: hope4today
Sunday Serenity Social. District 69. This meeting will be on summer hiatus from Sunday June 12, 2022, through September 4, 2022. We will resume regular meetings starting Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 9:00am. Spring Creek Park, Melrose Street, Oceanside, CA 92057.
Monday Night Escondido Oasis Meeting 6:00pm. We will be meeting back in person. Handicap access. This facility is not available on Holidays that fall on a Monday. Family, Friends and Observers welcome. Spoken: English. Contact name: Jeanne S. 760-580-9280, Debbie L: 760-703-1872. We normally meet at Neighborhood Health care facility 425 North Date Street Escondido CA 92025.
Keep it Simple Newcomers Meeting AFG. Sunday 6:00pm. Hope United Methodist Church 16550 Bernardo Heights Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92128. Meeting in person. Room J5, southwest corner of the property.
AMIAS and other interested folks, be advised that Juvenile Hall has requested we again start Alateen meetings at their facility. We are in need of females, males and Spanish speaking Amias. The meeting will be in Kearny Mesa. Laurine, has agreed to coordinate as much as possible to get this started again. If you are interested please contact her at [email protected] or call 858-733-0111 (voicemail or text) for further details. Please consider this worthy outreach! Thank You, Elaine
New address for meeting:
San Carlos Serenity AFG
5651 Water Street
La Mesa, CA 91942
The meeting has gone live and hybrid for now.
Our meeting also has Babysitting and is wheelchair accessible, restrooms and parking availability. Zoom ID: 859 2298 0426 Password: SCSAFG
Clairemont Clearview AFG is requesting support. We meet Monday mornings at 10:30am via Zoom. This is a discussion meeting. The first Monday of the month is the tradition of the month. The second meeting of the month is the step of the month. This was one of the meetings at The Serenity Shop. We have not transitioned to in-person meetings. Thank you for your support. Zoom ID: 608 257 4304 Password: Unity 103
The Tuesday Del Mar Early Birds will return to in-person meetings. District 69. 8:00am-9:00am. St James Catholic Church 625 So. Nardo, Solano Beach, CA 92075. The meeting is in the Fireplace room in the Parish Hall.
AFG Literature Study Paths to Recovery AFG. District 69. Paths to Recovery AFG Literature Study is requesting support. This AFG meets every Tuesday at 4:00pm via Zoom. We are currently reading. “Opening our Hearts, transforming our losses” Thank You for your support. Zoom ID: 405 294 2758 Password: 1430102
Fun, Fellowship & Service Opportunities!! – The San Diego AFG Speakers Meeting, which meets the first Saturday of each month, 6:30-8:00PM, will be rotating service positions at the end of 2022. The meeting location is at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd., 91942. The open positions will are: Speaker Coordinator, Secretary, and Hospitality coordinator. If you are interested in learning more about these positions, contact Vickie I. @ (cell) 619-885-6888. All Al-Anon members are welcome!
“Service in Al-Anon allows us to stretch ourselves and to practice the Al-Anon principles while we connect with others with whom we can be ourselves”, How Al-Anon works…, page 102. Please read this announcement at your meetings.
To all Group Secretaries:
If your group does not have an ISR, please read this message at your Meeting or
highlight the topics for your members.
The Intercom is now available as an online news feed. Same information, new format. Check it out here:
Let’s get reacquainted with the Intercom”
Did you know there are two versions of the Intercom?
The Public version, found on our website under “Intercom”, which is an abbreviated format:
It doesn’t include Financial and Contribution Reports
It doesn’t include Personal contact information
The other version is a full format; available to all Al-Anon members registered to receive a copy
Submit the “Intercom Subscription Form” if you’re an interested member
Register with the SCWS if you hold a Group position, such as Secretary, ISR, CMA, GR, etc. and you will be added to the distribution list; available via our website.
Doesn’t it just list upcoming events?
There are 3 sections to the Intercom plus flyers:
Pages 1-3: Message from the Board, Office Report, Meeting Changes & Updates and Dates for upcoming Board, ISR and District Meetings are input from the Board and shared by your ISR if your group has one.
Pages 3-last: Calendar of Events, Alateen and District News are information the Group Secretary can choose to announce.
Attachments: Financial and Contribution Reports provide full transparency regarding our financial position; it provides information members may have an interest in, the group Treasurer can verify their group contributions made.
Why do we have an Intercom?
It is one of the suggested functions of an Al-Anon Information Service Intergroup, as outlined in the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual 2018, under Al-Anon Information Service (AIS/Intergroups), pg. 66:
Prints and distributes its own newsletter of local Al-Anon/Alateen activities for the groups that support it. (pg. 67)
Alateen at Juvenile Hall is Back!
AMIAS’, we need you! Juvenile Hall in Kearny Mesa has requested we bring back Alateen to their facility. This is great news!