Message From Your Board

I was privileged to attend the Al-Anon International Convention with AA and Alateen participation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I joined our Al-Anon family from Southern California on this incredible 4-day experience and met many more friends worldwide. Al-Anon is truly a worldwide fellowship. Almost 4,000 members joined in the celebration.

The first day was "A Day of Connection," with speakers and sessions sharing how service and outreach have helped us grow individually and spiritually. The large meetings began with reading the Serenity Prayer in English, Spanish, French, and ASL. There were over 80 sessions to select from joining in the following days. Some examples are the 3A's, boundaries, the new daily reader, humor, and more.

A conference highlight was a party on the plaza where music played while we danced and mingled. In the Parade of Love, members could represent their state or country as they strolled around the large hall. On the conference's closing day, we had 3 moving speakers at a Spiritual Meeting that ended with our Al-Anon Indian members in a drum circle playing as we exited.

Gratefully in service,

Anita R

Chairperson, Al-Anon Information Service Board, San Diego County