Message From Your Board

Dear Al-Anon Friends,

I am pleased to share that we have received six nominations for nine open board positions! The ballots for the nominations have been forwarded to the ISRs for a vote at their November meeting. And - we still have several positions available. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dan if you are interested in exploring an interim appointment as a board member. You can email Dan B. at [email protected].

The board would like to thank everyone who participated in our recent survey. We are reviewing responses and compiling comments to share with our members next month and plan to publish our findings on our website. I’m happy to share that the ten survey participants who entered to win a free Al-Anon book have been notified, and books have been sent out. Again, thank you to all who responded to the survey.

One final note about our annual Non-Event Fundraiser: If you plan to contribute to it, please do so soon. We are close to meeting our goal, and your donation matters!

Yours in service,

Cindi H., Board Chair